African Union Expresses Deep Concern over Tigray Developments, Calls for Upholding Peace Agreement

6 Hrs Ago 26
African Union Expresses Deep Concern over Tigray Developments, Calls for Upholding Peace Agreement

The African Union (AU), headquartered in Addis Ababa, has issued a statement expressing its deep concern over the evolving situation within the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF). The continental body emphasized the critical importance of stability and peace in the Tigray region and called upon all involved parties to exercise restraint and engage in constructive dialogue.

In its press release, the AU strongly urged all parties to fully adhere to the Permanent Cessation of Hostilities Agreement (COHA) signed between the TPLF and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia in Pretoria in November 2022. The AU highlighted that upholding the COHA is paramount for preserving the hard-won peace and creating an environment conducive to sustainable peacebuilding, reconciliation, and development in the region.

The African Union stressed the need for all stakeholders to honor their commitments under the peace agreement and to work collaboratively towards a peaceful resolution of any emerging issues.

Reaffirming its unwavering commitment to the implementation of the Permanent COHA, the AU stated that it will continue to support the parties throughout this crucial process. Furthermore, the AU confirmed that its high-level panel remains ready and available to facilitate ongoing dialogue and cooperation between all stakeholders involved in the Tigray situation.


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