The Paradox of Human Nature

3 Mons Ago 409
The Paradox of Human Nature

                                                                                      Photo: Paradoxical Concept Images

As an individual who is deeply self-critical, introspective, and keenly observant, I find myself constantly reflecting on my words, actions, and thoughts - engaging in what is known as meta cognition. The evolution of this cognitive process within my mind remains a mystery, but it has undoubtedly been a significant aspect of my existence for quite some time now.

Recently, I have been contemplating about not only my own behavior but also those of others. Majority of Ethiopians, regardless of our religious affiliations believe in the existence of a supreme, omnipotent deity who governs our lives from the celestial realms above. Consequently, this collective faith instills a sense of mindfulness within us, guiding our conduct and decisions. In the event that we falter or transgress, we are compelled to seek redemption through repentance. This spiritual awareness and accountability serve as a moral compass, steering us towards righteousness and virtue in our daily lives.

Despite the omnipresent gaze of the divine, it is a curious phenomenon that so many of us, myself included, are preoccupied with the perceptions and judgments of our fellow mortals rather than those of the ultimate Creator. Consider, for instance, an individual who engages in a shameful act and seeks refuge from the scrutiny of others, only to find that the all-seeing eye of the Creator remains fixed upon them. Despite this, their concern lies not with adhering to the laws of the divine, but rather with the opinions and utterances of their fellow creations. Such is the curious nature of human preoccupation with the fleeting judgments of mortals, rather than the eternal laws of the divine.

 I take great pride in embodying the qualities of a compassionate and virtuous individual, however, lately I find myself grappling with uncertainty. It is an arduous task to extend kindness towards those we hold disdain for, especially when our aversion is unfounded and all-encompassing, to the point where we wish to sever any connection with them. Acts of benevolence that come naturally when directed towards loved ones suddenly feel as daunting as moving mountains when aimed at these particular individuals, as malevolence clouds our judgment and dims the light within our hearts. Despite the unwarranted nature of my animosity towards this person, I am compelled to exert considerable effort in treating them with kindness. Furthermore, I have observed myself going to great lengths to maintain a facade of civility towards them in the presence of others. I find their presence bothering.

 In one moment, I find myself oscillating between kindness and cruelty towards that individual only to question the authenticity of my actions when in the presence of different company. It dawned on me that my behavior should not be contingent upon external factors, but rather a reflection of my true self. Despite my inclination towards hostility, I couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that my actions would eventually catch up with me in the form of karma. It was a battle within myself, a struggle to redefine my interactions with those I found difficult to tolerate. I viewed the individual's presence in my life as a test, a test of my character and integrity. How I chose to treat them would ultimately determine the outcome of this test.

I despised my own behavior towards them, yet found it challenging to extend kindness when my feelings were clouded with disdain. A spiritual mentor once said something that resonated with me, emphasizing the importance of not letting emotions dictate our actions. It reminded me that true character shines through in how we treat others, especially those we may not particularly favor. It was a reminder to rise above personal biases and act with fairness and grace, regardless of our sentiments towards others.

Contemplating this matter, my gaze fell upon a young man adorned with religious tattoos, prominently displaying a large cross on his arm alongside depictions of Saint Gabriel and other sacred symbols. It was evident that the intricate inkings on his skin spoke volumes about his deep-rooted faith and spiritual connection. The sight of these religious tattoos sparked a profound reflection on the paradox they embody - a paradox that intertwines devotion and potential transgression. While these tattoos serve as a visual testament to the young man's religious fervor, they also raise questions about going against the laws imposed in the scriptures about body modification.

Bodily modifications and the act of making incisions in the flesh, such as tattoos, is deemed sinful in many religions. It is intriguing how many individuals choose to adorn themselves with tattoos, perhaps believing that certain designs, like those depicting saints or the name of God, will exempt them from sin. The irony lies in facing eternal damnation for bearing the name of the divine creator permanently inscribed on one's skin. Despite the temptation to convey one's fervor and convictions through body art, the core tenet of abiding by the decrees established by the supreme deity remains paramount. This is a testament to the complexity of human nature.

Overall, The enigma of human nature is truly a captivating subject to contemplate, particularly when delving into the dichotomy between our intentions and our actions. Our deeds do not always align with our motives. At times, our speech may be adorned with sweetness while harboring malice within, and on other occasions, our hearts may not be entirely devoid of light, yet our words possess a cutting edge akin to a sharp blade, capable of inflicting harm upon others. After all, being human is a complex tapestry of contradictions.

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