Africa CDC Working to Produce 60 Percent of vaccines needed in Africa

1 Yr Ago 493
Africa CDC Working to Produce 60 Percent of vaccines needed in Africa

Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) says it is working to make a local production of 60 percent of the vaccines needed for disease prevention and control in the African continent.

“We must achieve a local manufacturing capacity of over 60% for vaccines and health products by 2040, as per our PAVM framework,’’ said Director-General of the Africa CDC Sunday as he addressed the 37 AU Summit.  

The Director-General, Dr Jean Kaseya, stressed partnerships for African Vaccine Manufacturing (PAVM) should facilitate the production of vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and other medical countermeasures.

“Africa CDC is committed to working with all partners to enhance Africa's manufacturing capacity, develop regulatory processes, and improve accessibility to the African local manufacturing market," he also wrote on a social media post.  

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