Harar Celebrates 26th Edition of its International Day.

2 Days Ago
Harar Celebrates 26th Edition of its International Day.

By Goshu Melisew

The historic city of Harar is abuzz with excitement as it marks the 26th edition of its International Day festivity.

Speaking on the occasion, Vice President of the ruling Prosperity Party, Adem Farah, focused attention on the age-old and unadulterated culture of tolerance, cooperation and togetherness.

"The UNESCO inscribed and world heritage site of Harar has built long standing value of togetherness and a symbol of peace," said the president.

Adem pointed out that Ethiopia is undertaking massive reforms geared towards increasing the flow of tourists. Accordingly, numerous tourist destinations are mushrooming across the nation and remarkable results have been achieved.

Chief Administrator of the Harari Regional State, Odrin Bedri, for his part noted that Harar continues to overflow with peace and togetherness.

The city is undertaking numerous reforms in building city infrastructure and attract visitors, Bedri said adding, Harar has a rich history and breathtaking heritage sites.

HE called upon Hrari-born Diaspora Ethiopians and friends of Harar to work together for the city's development.

This annual event, which draws visitors from around the globe, is a vibrant showcase of the city’s rich cultural heritage and history.


The festivities kicked off with a grand opening ceremony featuring traditional music and dance performances that highlighted the diverse cultural tapestry of Harar.

A significant highlight of this year’s celebration is the participation of thousands of second-generation Ethiopian Diaspora members, who have traveled from various parts of the world to reconnect with their heritage and celebrate their roots. Their presence underscores the strong cultural ties and the sense of community that transcends borders.

Keynote speakers at the event included prominent local leaders and cultural ambassadors who emphasized the importance of preserving and promoting Harar’s cultural heritage. The celebration also featured art exhibitions, poetry readings, and historical tours of Harar’s ancient mosques and iconic alleyways, which have earned the city its reputation as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

In addition to the cultural displays, the day is being celebrated with various sports events, adding a dynamic and engaging element to the festivities. Local and international athletes are participating in traditional sports, fostering a spirit of camaraderie and healthy competition.//

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