PM Abiy Champions Ethiopia's Role in Regional Peace and Cooperation

2 Days Ago
PM Abiy Champions Ethiopia's Role in Regional Peace and Cooperation

By Hikma Temam

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed reaffirmed Ethiopia's commitment to regional stability and cooperation during an address to the parliament. The Premier outlined his vision for a "neighbor-oriented" approach to development and diplomacy, emphasizing Ethiopia's role in fostering peace across the Horn of Africa.

In his speech, PM Abiy highlighted Ethiopia's ongoing support for neighboring countries, even in challenging circumstances. He cited the country's continued supply of electricity to Sudan, despite payment difficulties, as a testament to Ethiopia's dedication to regional solidarity.

"Our commitment to addressing shortcomings during times of crisis is unwavering," the Prime Minister stated, underscoring Ethiopia's proactive stance in supporting its neighbors.

Addressing the recent tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia following an MoU with Somaliland, PM Abiy called for open dialogue. He stressed the importance of resolving differences in a fair and impartial manner, not only in Somalia but also in other troubled areas across the continent.

The Prime Minister expressed Ethiopia's eagerness to collaborate with Somalia to achieve lasting peace and unity. "We seek to work closely with our Somali brothers and sisters to bring about enduring stability in the region," Abiy declared.

Throughout his address, PM Abiy underscored the significance of Ethiopia's "neighbor-oriented" strategy, aimed at strengthening ties with bordering nations and contributing to overall regional prosperity.

As tensions persist in various parts of Africa, PM Abiy's leadership appears focused on positioning Ethiopia as a key player in promoting dialogue and fostering cooperation among neighboring states.

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