PM Abiy joins President Kagame, Guests, Paying Tribute to Genocide Victims

3 Mons Ago
PM Abiy joins President Kagame, Guests, Paying Tribute to Genocide Victims

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew have joined President Paul Kagame, First Lady Jeannette Kagame, current and former heads of state/government and their spouses, laying wreathes at Kigali memorial center, the final resting place for more than 250,000 victims of the 1994 Genocide against Tutsi.

Ethiopia stands with the people of Rwanda as you commemorate ‘Kwibuka30’, PM Abiy wrote on his social media.

The wreath-laying ceremony included three important sections of senior officials of Rwanda and their guests and international organizations, then former heads of state and government, and the last section, the current heads of state and government.

The event has kick-started the national commemoration week as Rwanda and the world observe the 30th commemoration to remember more than one million innocent Tutsi, who were killed by a genocidal government using extremist hutu, interahamwe militia and the government defence and security personnel between April and early July 1994, according to KT Press.

Nicolas Sarkozy, former President of France, Bill Clinton, former US President and Thabo Mbeki, former President of South Africa were joined by former Prime Minister Heilemariam Dessalegn of Ethiopia and First Lady, among others.


President Kagame, the First Lady and the guests proceeded to light the flame of remembrance.


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