Ambassador: Belgian Companies Keen to Invest in the Health Sector.

2 Days Ago
Ambassador: Belgian Companies Keen to Invest in the Health Sector.

By Shegaw Yemataw

Belgian companies engaged in the health sector will soon enter the Ethiopian market, says Belgian Ambassador to Ethiopia, StefaanThijs.

In an exclusive interview with EBC World, Ambassador Thijs reaffirmed Brussels' commitment to elevate longstanding bilateral ties in the field of higher education and agriculture, among others.

Ethiopia and Belgium established diplomatic relations in 1906, making it only the fifth country to do so.

Ambassador Thijs pointed out that two Belgian  companies are in the pipe line to invest in  Ethiopia in the health sector in the near future.

 “Over the course of the the last six months, during its Presidency of the Council of the European Union, in frame of the presidency, my ministry of cooperation came to Addis Ababa in February to reinforce cooperation between EU and AU in the health sector to manufacture African medicines and vaccines,” the ambassador elaborated.

The ambassador also expounded that Belgian and Ethiopian universities are making headway in advancing cooperation in the field of higher education. He went on to say that many of the first generation universities like Mekelle, Arba Minch, Addis Ababa and Jimma, among others, have become beneficiaries, working to polish up on quality education.

Ambassador Thijs, who took up his present position in October 2021, cast light on the developing relationships, stating that Ethiopia and Belgium have a long history of diplomatic relations built on a solid foundation.

Ethio-Belgian ties date back to 1906, when Brussels first opened its Embassy in Addis Ababa. //

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