Envoy: Saudi-Ethiopian Ties Forging Ahead in Various Areas.

3 Hrs Ago 42
Envoy: Saudi-Ethiopian Ties Forging Ahead in Various Areas.

By Goshu Melisew

Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Ethiopia said Ethio-Saudi relations have made headways in various areas.

Fahad Obaydullah A. Alhumaydani was addressing participants at a huge gathering, where Riad marked Its 94th National Day in the presence of top Ethiopian officials and diplomatic communities residing in Addis Ababa.

 ‘’Saudi-Ethiopian relations have witnessed tangible progress in various areas this year. The Sixth Session of the Saudi – Ethiopian Joint Ministerial Commission convened in Riyadh, last May at the ministerial level, and it came out with recommendations that will contribute to advancing Saudi-Ethiopian relations in all fields,’’ the ambassador noted.

Ethiopia’s significant economic reform and urban development projects have brought positive impacts, Ambassador A. Alhumaydani Further said.

“I commend Ethiopia's significant economic reforms and urban development projects, particularly the corridor development in Addis Ababa, which have greatly improved the quality of life in the city."

For his part, Negus Kebede, Director General of Middle East, Asian, and Pacific Affairs with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, emphasized the historic relations between Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia during the occasion.

“Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia's diplomatic relations, spanning more than 70 years, are strengthened by our growing economic ties. Saudi investments have driven Ethiopia’s ambition for development.” he explained.

As Saudi Arabia celebrates its National Day, the festivities in Addis Ababa underscore a bright future for Saudi-Ethiopian relations, marked by cooperation, mutual benefit, and shared aspirations.//

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