Electric vehicles (EV), according to experts in the field, can help reduce carbon emissions, save foreign currencies and spare fuel costs.
Promoting electric vehicles in Ethiopia is a top of priority as envisioned in the country’s green development program.
And EV buses have already begun operating here in Addis Ababa, interestingly with locally assembled minibuses.
Ing. Daniel Gizaw recommended the importance of expanding more EV charging stations in Addis Ababa, and elsewhere in Ethiopia.
Non-urban areas where they have no easy access to electric power can employ solar energy instead for the EV to function nationwide, he said.
Transport and Logistics Minister on his part revealed newly designed viable strategy meant to expand electric vehicles charging stations.
As part of initiatives in place to promote EVs across the country, Ethiopia has offered incentives and packages, such as importing EV facilities free of tax, said expert for climate change from the transport and logistics ministry Yizengaw Yitayih.
“We need further infrastructure expansion, such as installing more charging stations both in and out of Addis Ababa so that electric vehicles can be charged from anywhere.”
Failure to have more EV charging stations may pull back efforts of promoting green vehicles, Yizengaw said, urging investors to play their roles.
According to reports, Ethiopia has become the first country in the world to stop the entry of fossil fuel-powered vehicles.