Ex-Navy Sailor Calls Eritreans, Ethiopians to Learn from Their Past Proxy War

8 Mons Ago
Ex-Navy Sailor Calls Eritreans, Ethiopians to Learn from Their Past Proxy War

Ethiopia’s most acclaimed writer, Zenebe Wolla, called Eritreans and Ethiopians to learn from the proxy war they undergone 4 decades back.

Speaking to EBC, the author -turned marine, who served the Ethiopian Navy over the Red Sea, recalled that what Ethiopia is demanding today was once its possessions.

Ethiopia had sadly turned landlocked, chiefly with invisible hands and motives of foreign actors who have always been against Africa’s economic independence and integration.

The conspiracy in fact cost not only Ethiopia but also brought a sense of mistrust in the region, which in turn has been severely impacting Ethiopia’s   economy and its genuine call for economically integrated region.

The writer recalled that Ras Dumeira, all the way up to Djibouti’s coastal territory, was once part of Ethiopia.  

Sharing his life experience as member of the Ethiopian marine corps Zenebe brought to viewers a fresh memory of how the Ethiopian Navy was actively guarding Ethiopia’s coastal territory against arms smugglers who used to deliver arms and logistics to the then rebels in Northern Ethiopia.   

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