New Lodge Planned Near Tiya World Heritage Site in Central Ethiopia.

3 Days Ago 107
New Lodge Planned Near Tiya World Heritage Site in Central Ethiopia.

To make Central Ethiopia a prime tourist destination, the state has announced plans to construct a lodge near the Tiya World Heritage Site, according to State Chief Endashaw Tassew. The Chief Administrator informed EPA about ongoing efforts to build lodges and various infrastructural projects in tourist areas stretching from Tiya to Aberecho 77 Mountain.

 “To open the archaeological site to tourists, we need to have standardized lodges. Thus, the lodge project design has been finalized,” stated Endashaw. Highlighting Tiya as one of the country's ancient tourism destinations, he mentioned that significant activities are underway to ensure the project's success. Moreover, the state administration is taking bold steps to create numerous jobs for the youth and enable society to benefit from its rich natural resources.

Despite the state’s abundant natural resources and tourism potential, there has been minimal effort to translate this potential into tangible benefits. Endashaw emphasized that, apart from its archaeological site and natural resources, Central Ethiopia State boasts a wealth of tangible and intangible tourist attractions. These include the preserved values and cultures of the Hadiya, Gurage, Kembata, and other nationalities in the region.

Efforts are ongoing not only to make the tourist sites convenient and up to standard but also to enhance the socio-economic benefits for the community. Given the archaeological site's proximity to the capital, Addis Ababa, it has a better chance of attracting visitors. More efforts will be made to fully exploit the area's tourism potential, he emphasized.

Located in the Soddo District, Gurage Zone of Central Ethiopia State, Tiya is renowned for its large stone pillars, many of which feature unique decorations. The archaeological site was designated a World Heritage Site in 1980 due to the distinctive nature of these monolithic monuments.
