Amhara Region Peace Council Calls for All Parties to Work Towards Peace

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Amhara Region Peace Council Calls for All Parties to Work Towards Peace

The Amhara Region Peace Council issued a statement calling for an immediate ceasefire and peaceful resolution to the ongoing conflict between government forces and Fano militants in the Amhara region.

The Council, established during recent peace talks in Bahir Dar, emphasized the urgent need for dialogue to address the region's escalating crisis. "Both government forces and Fano groups must cease fire unconditionally and resolve their differences through negotiation," the statement read.

Highlighting the conflict's devastating impact, the Council reported widespread civilian casualties, economic disruption, and unchecked looting across the region. "This war will make no one victorious," the statement warned, urging all parties to prioritize peace talks.

The Council traced the current unrest to unresolved issues dating back to 2018, including constitutional concerns, border disputes, and attacks on Amhara people in other parts of Ethiopia. It criticized the government for neglecting these long-standing grievances in favor of "various current agendas."

Addressing skepticism about the government's willingness to negotiate, the Council called for "comprehensive support" to facilitate meaningful dialogue. It also appealed to both domestic and international actors to support peace efforts rather than inflame tensions.

"Peace belongs to all of us," the statement added, calling on all stakeholders to unite in pursuit of a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

