Ethiopia Pursues Sea Access Through Somalia Relations

منذ 8 أيام
Ethiopia Pursues Sea Access Through Somalia Relations

Ethiopia is actively pursuing access to the sea while fostering stronger ties with Somalia, according to Ambassador Nebiyat Getachew, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ambassador Nebiyat emphasized in a statement that recent agreements struck between the two nations aim to benefit both.

These agreements build upon a foundation of restored relations, achieved following discussions in Ankara, Turkey. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed further solidified this progress during a visit to Mogadishu, resulting in an agreement expected to bolster bilateral ties and contribute significantly to regional peace.

The two nations have also pledged to collaborate in combating the Al-Shabaab terrorist group.

While celebrating this diplomatic achievement, Ambassador Nebiyat underscored Ethiopia's continued pursuit of its right to sea access, signaling the nation's determination to overcome its landlocked status.

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