Ethiopian SWAT Team Returns Home to a Hero's Welcome After UAE Challenge

منذ 11 أيام
Ethiopian SWAT Team Returns Home to a Hero's Welcome After UAE Challenge

The Ethiopian Federal Police SWAT team has received a welcoming ceremony upon their arrival at Bole International Airport. The team had been competing in the UAE SWAT Challenge.

Speaking at the welcoming ceremony, Ethiopian Federal Police Commissioner General Demelash GebreMichael stated that the participation of a police institution in the UAE SWAT Challenge for the first time in the country's history is of great importance for national image building and significantly advances international police-to-police relations. He highlighted that participating in the competition provided valuable experience and identified areas for improvement, allowing for better preparation in future competitions.

Members of the Ethiopian Federal Police SWAT team shared that participating in the SWAT Challenge and training with SWAT teams from other countries allowed them to achieve better results in obstacle courses. They expressed their commitment to further training and aiming for improved results in the 2026 UAE SWAT Challenge.

The Ethiopian Federal Police SWAT team received a certificate from the UAE and an invitation to participate in future competitions.

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