International Experts Inspect Ethiopia's Grand Dam Project

منذ 6 أيام
International Experts Inspect Ethiopia's Grand Dam Project

Amidst ongoing regional discussions, key figures from international and regional partner organizations, alongside dam safety experts, have concluded a highly anticipated visit to the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

Ethiopia's State Minister for Water and Energy, Abreha Adugna (PhD), spearheaded the tour, welcoming commissioners and senior officials from Nile riparian nations.

The delegation included prominent representatives from the Canadian and Australian Dams Associations, the Norwegian Hydropower Association, and the Zambian Zambezi River Authority.

This visit is a vital component of an international consultation forum in Addis Ababa, focused on the establishment of a dedicated dam safety centre within the Nile Basin, reinforcing Ethiopia's commitment to safe and sustainable water resource management.

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