Fragments of Compassion

4 Mons Ago 461
Fragments of Compassion

I found myself compelled to use the bus, and I use the term "compelled" because the sole reason for my bus journey was the absence of any available taxis. The bus, however, is not exactly the preferred mode of transportation when one is in a hurry, as it tends to make frequent stops every kilometer, and individuals always manage to board even when it is already at maximum capacity. Curiously, the notion of being full does not seem to apply to the bus. People often find ways to jostle each other, and it appears that almost everyone harbors a fear of venturing towards the rear of the bus (myself included), even when they are the last to disembark. I believe this fear stems from the apprehension of being the last person to exit and the subsequent need to push through the crowd to reach the door.

However, on one particular day, as I sat on the bus, I realized that this was one of the rare occasions where I remained seated for the entire duration of the journey. Typically, I willingly surrender my seat whenever an elderly individual, a pregnant woman, someone with children, or a person with physical disabilities boards the bus. There are instances, though, where I relinquish my seat only to have someone who requires it more urgently board the bus, causing me to regret my decision. However, on that specific day, I was experiencing bad back, and therefore, I chose not to stand up. Each time someone who appeared to be in need of the seat glanced at me, I felt compelled to explain my situation, apologizing for my inability to vacate the seat due to my back pain.

As I observed my surroundings, I couldn't help but notice the young man seated beside me, along with his companions, engrossed in their own world with headphones firmly in place. Their lack of initiative to vacate their seats hinted at a possible reason behind their reluctance. Perhaps they were just tired. It dawned on me that this current generation may be lacking the physical resilience that our predecessors once possessed. The tales of endurance from the past, such as walking long distances while tending to livestock, seemed like a distant memory in today's society. It became apparent that appearances can be deceiving, as individuals may be grappling with their own internal struggles despite appearing composed externally. With this realization, I chose to depart from that thought, hoping that their behavior stemmed from personal challenges rather than a disregard for others.

Meanwhile, this gentleman got on the bus accompanied by his young son, cradling him in his arms. Despite the man's advanced age, I anticipated that he would place his son down once the bus commenced its journey. However, to my surprise, the son adamantly refused to be separated from his father, and the father, in turn, continued to carry him. I yearned to offer my seat so that they could sit together, but alas, circumstances prevented me from doing so. Throughout the entire encounter, I found myself captivated by the father's playful and tender demeanor towards his son, even in the face of the child's piercing screams.

The father remained composed and composedly conversed with his son, all the while maintaining a firm grip on the bus handle with his free hand. I pondered why the father did not release his son.  Moreover, there was a kind lady who offered to hold the child on his behalf. The boy, being approximately seven years old, was certainly not a small child. I wondered if the father felt hesitant to entrust his son to the lady, despite her amiable disposition and their ongoing conversation. Initially, I assumed that they had boarded the bus together, but it became apparent that they were not actually acquainted.

On the next stop, the child turned towards me, so I extended an invitation, saying, "Come, sit with me." The bus remained still, and in that moment of tranquility, the young boy approached me, and suddenly, everything became clear. Before as he clung to his father, his face remained hidden from my view, and yet I gently suggested to him to either sit with the lady or me as his father seemed weary. However, when he finally made his way towards me, I noticed that the boy had special needs and seemed to fell somewhere on the spectrum of autism. Since I didn't make any official diagnosis, I could be wrong but that seemed the case. The boy sat beside me briefly, then rose and returned to his father. It was in that instant that I comprehended why the father chose to carry his son, even when exhaustion loomed. Whether or not this was the reality, one thing remained unchanged - the father's unwavering love and devotion towards his son was unmistakable.

A warm smile adorned my face as I acknowledged the father, conveying my appreciation for his gentleness. Although I had no prior acquaintance with this gentleman, his tender and compassionate demeanor towards his son spoke volumes about his commendable fatherhood. Such displays of genuine care and affection are a rarity in our daily lives, where we often witness mothers scaling mountains and traversing bridges with their little ones cradled in their arms, but seldom do we witness fathers engaging in such acts. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the multitude of remarkable fathers out there, including those who bravely shoulder the responsibility of raising their children single-handedly, striving to fill the void left by a mother's absence.

This encounter served as a poignant reminder of these selfless acts. In a world filled with disheartening stories and experiences, it becomes increasingly challenging to place our trust in our fellow human beings. We have become accustomed to approaching every interaction with skepticism, always questioning the motives behind acts of kindness, as genuine altruism has become a rarity. Even if someone were to extend a helping hand without any ulterior motives, we are inclined to speculate and search for hidden agendas rather than granting them the benefit of the doubt.

This skepticism does not stem from a lack of good-hearted individuals in the world; rather, it is a consequence of the numerous times we have been let down and betrayed in the past, causing us to lose faith in the inherent goodness of humanity. But acts of kindness still exist, and we encounter them every day, whether it be witnessing a father's unwavering love on a bus or observing random acts of kindness on the bustling streets or any other corner of the world. These fragments of compassion serve as a beacon of hope, rekindling our faith in humanity. Moreover, there is an indescribable joy in being the person for brightening someone's day, even if it is through a small gesture of kindness. Let us all strive to embody that kind soul who brings a glimmer of light and warmth into the lives of others.
