The Uniform's Surprise

منذ 29 أيام
The Uniform's Surprise

By: Staff Contributor

I have a neighbor who gives off an impression of affluence. Let’s call her Lemlem. I say "impression" because I don't know her very well, but her stylish furniture and the designer shoes worn by her and her daughters suggest a certain level of wealth. I've also heard that her husband lives in America, which adds to my assumption that they are quite well-off. Lemlem has two daughters; I've spotted her husband a few times during what I assume were short vacations here.

Her eldest daughter has a hearing impairment and communicates primarily through sign language, though I believe she understands spoken language quite well. The youngest daughter, who is around two or three years old, doesn't seem to have any impairments, but she is quite reserved in her speech, likely due to her age. However, she is very sociable, especially with adults. With this background about my neighbor, I can now share the story I wanted to discuss.

The other day, I happened to stroll by some neighbors who were enjoying coffee together, and they kindly invited me to join them. I accepted their offer and settled down outside in the corridor. Lemlem wasn’t around that day and just as I was finishing my cup, we spotted her daughter, returning from school. All eyes turned to her, not due to any impairment, but because of her school uniform. Her public school uniform, a stark contrast to what the neighbors were used to seeing, drew everyone's attention. The school, free and operating in shifts for underprivileged children, was apparently a new discovery for them, explaining their surprised reaction to the girl's appearance.

One of the ladies couldn't help but exclaim, "I didn’t know she went to a public school!" It was as if everyone shared the same unspoken thought, and she continued, “But she is rich; I don’t understand why she would send her daughter there.” Nods of agreement followed. I found myself pondering the same question: why would a woman who could easily afford a private school choose a public one for her daughter? It seemed she owned their home, so rent wasn’t a concern. Typically, those with financial means prefer private education, believing it offers better English instruction and overall quality. Moreover, the social circles at these schools often include children from middle and upper-class families, which can lead to better opportunities and a brighter future for the students.

I had to step away from the coffee ceremony, but the chatter from the neighbors lingered in my mind. It crossed my mind that perhaps the nearby private schools lack special needs education, while the one the public one offers it. However, I’m skeptical about that notion since, to my knowledge, not many public schools provide special needs classes, and those that do often have limited availability. I completely understand that convenience plays a significant role for parents when selecting a school for their little ones. It can be quite challenging to send children to a distant school, no matter how excellent it may be, unless there’s a reliable service in place or if parents are available for drop-offs and pick-ups. I often find myself wishing I could ask her about her choice of school, but I haven’t brought it up yet, as it feels a bit intrusive, especially since we’re not particularly close.

Reflecting on my own upbringing, I remember that very few students from public schools spoke fluent English; it seemed like proficiency in the language was a privilege reserved for those attending private institutions. Many of my peers from private schools graduated with outstanding results, secured great jobs, and established successful careers. However, that doesn’t mean students from public schools didn’t achieve remarkable things. In fact, I encountered several determined individuals at university who had come from public schools, and they were just as ambitious and capable. They were driven to succeed and often went on to earn scholarships for studying abroad, proving that success can come from any educational background.

I personally lean towards enrolling my children in private schools, as it alleviates the need for extensive tutoring at home. I believe that if they attend a quality institution and put in some effort, they are well on their way to a successful future. Conversely, if they aren't receiving a proper education at school, parents often find themselves in the position of having to re-teach those concepts. It's important to note that not all private schools are excellent, nor are all public schools lacking; there are always exceptions to the generalizations we make.

My perspective is shaped by my own experiences with various schools and the students I have encountered throughout my life. Another crucial aspect to consider is the motivation of the students themselves. Some children in private schools may be there due to their parents' choices and may not be particularly invested in their education, while others, regardless of their school environment, are driven to excel and grow. This ongoing debate between private and public education will likely persist, influenced by individual experiences and outcomes.

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