Khartoum-based ROCK convenes in Addis Ababa

15 Days Ago 214
Khartoum-based ROCK convenes in Addis Ababa

The Regional Operational Centre (ROCK) serving as a bridge for cooperation in the prevention of human trafficking and cross-border crimes.

The Khartoum-based Regional Operational Centre (ROCK) has been serving as a bridge of cooperation between countries, particularly in preventing human trafficking and cross-border crimes, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Federal Police, Demelash Gebremichael, stated.

Ethiopia reaffirmed its commitment to tighten control on human trafficking and cross-border crimes by stepping up cooperation at continental and international levels.

Established under the African Union, ROCK operates with a support of the European Union.

The project is financed by emergency Trust Fund for Africa of the European Union, which was launched as part of the Khartoum process as requested by countries from the Horn of Africa.

ROCK held its meeting in Addis Ababa today to evaluate the progress of the law enforcement project over last year.

Ethiopian Federal Police commissioner, Regional Operational Centre member countries representatives, Interpol and Europol officials attended the forum.

Commissioner Gebremichael underscored that human trafficking and cross-border crimes are threatening international peace and security, adding there is urgent need to ensure accountability against human traffickers.

“We all are aware of the destabilizing effects of cross border crime as a global phenomenon, developing into serious problems that pose a threat to each country and beyond.”

the ROCK is working on a technology-assisted constructive police capacity and cooperative environment in order to reduce the suffering and harassment of citizens, according to the commissioner.

The process of globalization has led to unprecedented opportunities for transactions such as human trafficking, and smuggling of migrants by criminal organizations, the commissioner stressed.


Hence, Demelash said “I would like to take this opportunity to underline the importance of the ROCK project to strategically cooperate in the sharing of information about human trafficking and smuggling of migrants, as well as organized crime syndicates in eastern Africa.”

Gebremichael's deputy, Zelalem Mengste lauded the ROCK's effort to increase its membership, now raising it to 13.

The center is in the process of moving its office permanently to the headquarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa, as per the Deputy Commissioner.




Ethiopia pledged tackle transnational organized crime in cooperation with member countries of the ROCK.

The center is working with the countries of the region to prevent illegal immigration and cross-border crimes, as it successfully implemented two rounds of action plans to prevent illegal immigration and cross-border crimes, Khartoum based ROCK, Technical Director Harvey Jamet underscored.

He expressed hopes that the forum serves as a platform to enhance cooperation in the prevention of human trafficking by bolstering the capabilities of law enforcement agencies of member countries.

Regional Specialist Office of International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL), Eammel Ndayrgamiye said on his part the dedication and efficiency displayed by the ROCK is a pivotal role in the region by fighting against human trafficking and immigrant smuggling.//
