ECCSA Recognizes Industries for Skills Dev't, Job Creation

3 Mons Ago 460
ECCSA Recognizes Industries for Skills Dev't, Job Creation

By Shegaw Yemataw


The Ethiopian Chamber of Commerce & Sectoral Associations (ECCSA) along with the Ministry of Labor & Skills Recognized industries operating in Addis Ababa, Sidama, Oromia and Amhara States for their invaluable contribution in  skills development and entrepreneurship.

In his keynote address during the occasion, State Minister for Labor & Skills, Teshale Berecha, called on the TVET systems and  industries to work together to enhance skills development and job creation.

Ethiopia, he said, is actively working to develop the skills sector as one of its reform initiatives.


The Ethiopian TVET system is struggling to adequately involve industries in skills development for trainees to tackle abscence of framework, adequate enforcement  of policy documents and limited understanding if industries about TVET system.

Deputy Executive Secretary with the Inter-university Council for East Africa, Rai Idris (Prof.), expressed his commitment to promote integration for economic grwoth in East Africa by giving advisory policies in Universities and higher education.


24 Exemplary industries in Addis Ababa, Sidama, Oromia and Amhara States have been granted recognition across such sectors as automotive industry, agro-processing, construction and health for their commitment and participation in skills development.//
