Inter-Sudanese Political Dialogue to be Convened Soon: AU High-Level Panel

1 Mon Ago 169
Inter-Sudanese Political Dialogue to be Convened Soon: AU High-Level Panel

The African Union (AU) High-Level Panel on Sudan, chaired by Mohamed Ibn Chambas, has announced that Sudanese stakeholders are preparing to initiate a political dialogue soon, following comprehensive consultations with key civilian and political actors.

The announcement comes after a three-day consultation session in Addis Ababa, which brought together members of the AU expanded mechanism, the diplomatic corps, and representatives from Sudanese political and civil forces. The objective of these consultations was to gather input from these critical stakeholders to shape the plan for the upcoming Inter-Sudanese Political Dialogue.

Ibn Chambas emphasized that the dialogue will commence once sufficient consultations are completed, likely within the next two months. He noted that the positive response to this round of consultations reflects the trust placed in AU and IGAD efforts to restore constitutional order in Sudan through an inclusive, Sudanese-led process.

The AU High-Level Panel chair highlighted the importance of a transparent and neutral mediation process, pledging to uphold these principles throughout the dialogue. The outcome of the consultations will be synthesized with other inputs to develop guiding principles, a potential agenda, and representation criteria for the main political dialogue.

IGAD Special Envoy for Sudan, Lawrence Korbandy, reiterated the crucial role of the AU and IGAD in facilitating the dialogue, expressing hope that the long-standing Sudanese political crisis will soon come to an end. He stressed the historic and moral responsibility of African institutions in resolving the continent's issues, particularly in achieving peace and stability in Sudan.

Source: Sudan Tribune and ENA
