Dialogue is Best Exit Strategy to overcome Traps of Conflict: PM Abiy

3 Mons Ago 184
Dialogue is Best Exit Strategy to overcome Traps of Conflict: PM Abiy

 Ethiopia has suffered a lot from internal conflict though the passage of time. This fatigue let the country not to move forward while human and resources have been lost according to Prime Minister Abiy. The premier further reiterates” it is easy to start war. The loss incurred as a result of it could be irreplaceable, no one can benefit from it. The Government of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is always ready enough for Dialogue”.

As scholars argued, though difference is natural, problems can be solved through dialogue where new ideas can generate through discussion. They also recommends that the legacy picking up arms to settle differences has to be over.


In his address to the parliament this week, Prime minister reminds that “maximum efforts were made to avoid further loss due to few armed groups hiding in the jungle; Local Elders and community leaders were sent to bring the out of such vicious circle”.

Peace and reconciliation expert Garedew Aseffa describes that “the recent conflict in Amhara region led close to 3 million students out of school. In conflict there is no winner and looser yet ends up in tragedy of the commons”.

As history tells Ethiopians have time tested conflict resolving mechanisms yet it seems over shadowed by personal interest besides some foreign actors who wants to meddle in Ethiopia’s domestic affairs. No matter how well armed you are power can’t grow from the barrel of a gun rather jungle for wild beasts and round table for dialogue.
