Forty Years Later, Charity or Empowerment?

1 Mon Ago 319
Forty Years Later, Charity or Empowerment?

By:Staff Contributer 

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." 

Westerners, having exploited and subjugated Africa through colonialism, did not teach Africa how to fish. Instead, they have provided fish little by little, keeping Africa dependent. Their reason is that if Africa starts fishing for itself, their source of wealth will dry up.

They exacerbate African hunger through their media, sending processed wheat as aid. Professor Alemayehu GebreMariam claims that over 85% of the money provided through their aid organizations is used for espionage. Their collaborators are the ruling groups in these countries and their assigned aid workers.

Any African leader who advocates for food self-sufficiency faces suppression and potential removal from power. The removal of Burkina Faso's President Thomas Sankara, who initiated reforms in his country, serves as an example. Those who oppose them are later accused of human rights abuses or face coups.

Their media and artists follow the same pattern. Here, it's important to mention Bob Geldof's 1984 initiative in response to the severe famine in Ethiopia. His song, "Do They Know It's Christmas?", topped the UK charts for five weeks, and the millions raised provided temporary famine relief. This is an example of selfless humanitarian action.