By Shegaw Yemataw
Executive Governor of Jigawa in Nigeria vowed to replicate Ethiopia’s wheat production successes to his nation.
The governor, Umar Namadi, made the remark when a delegation from Nigeria and the Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture paid visit to various summer wheat irrigation developments in Sheno North Shewa zone of Oromia State.
Wheat production in cluster farming has been one priority for Ethiopian government to attain food self-sufficiency and export wheat to neighbor countries.
Summer irrigation development is one segment of wheat production that the government is undertaking in various parts of Ethiopia.
A delegation from Nigeria and Ethiopian Ministry of Agriculture visited various summer wheat irrigation developments around Sheno, North Shewa zone of Oromia State.
After the visit, Executive Governor of Jigawa state of Nigeria, Umar Namadi, underscored that the visit to wheat developments helps his team to replicate best practices in summer wheat production successes.
State minister for agriculture, Meles Mekonnen, for his part, stated that wheat production is growing in quality and quantity in the past 6 years.
“This year, we are producing wheat in three seasons. In the rainy season, we managed to develop 3.6 million hectares of land and have harvested 128 million quintals of wheat," Mekonnen told EBC World.
The state minister finally vowed to support farmers in providing fertilizer, variety of seeds, technologies among others for the rainy season ahead. //