Peaceful Rallies in Oromia Mark 6th Anniversary of PM Abiy Ahmed's Rise to Power

3 Mons Ago 743
Peaceful Rallies in Oromia Mark 6th Anniversary of PM Abiy Ahmed's Rise to Power

Residents across the Oromia region of Ethiopia held widespread peaceful rallies to commemorate the 6th anniversary of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed assuming office on April 2, 2018. The rallies were conducted under the unifying theme, "We Stand for Our Peace, We Nurture Change!"

Abiy Ahmed took over the premiership on April 2, 2018, after several years of anti-government protests and unrest in Ethiopia. His rise to power ushered in a new era of political and economic reforms, as well as improved relations with neighboring Eritrea after a two-decade military stalemate. 

 The Rallies:

In cities like Adama, Robe, Jimma, Negele Borena, and Shashemene, residents turned out in large numbers carrying slogans that expressed support for the changes initiated under Abiy's leadership.

Some of the slogans read: "We await our victory; we will work together for future success!"; "Peace for all, all for peace!"; "Respecting diversity is the foundation for strong nation-building!"; and "A strong Ethiopia will be built on inter-ethnic fraternity!"

In West Arsi Zone's Shashemene town, participants from all districts gathered to express appreciation for major infrastructure projects like the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam being completed on time and with quality. They vowed their readiness to play their part in building a stronger nation through promoting peace and unity.

Residents stated that March 24th was a historic day when Ethiopia rescued itself from political demise and the danger of disintegration under Abiy's leadership. They credited his administration with numerous political, social, and economic victories through visionary policies.

