Inter-Sudanese Preparatory Peace talk is underway

6 Mons Ago 564
Inter-Sudanese Preparatory Peace talk is underway

Inter-Sudanese Peace Dialogue has been underway in Addis Ababa to bring peace which will bring devastating conflict in the country. The initiative was taken by the African Union and regional block IGAD. The peace talk commenced for the second time whereby certain political parties boycotted the first round peace talks on the ground of transparency, inclusivity and dominance of former ruling party.

Democratic transition and sustainable peace can flourish where the political ecosystem is at its equilibrium as stated by participants of peace talk. According to sources attendees are members of the Tagadum coalition, along with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North, led by Abdel Aziz al-Hilu (SPLM-N-Hilu); the Sudan Liberation Movement, led by Abdel Wahid Nur (SLM-AW); the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party, and others.

Spokesperson of SLM-AW Mohamed Abdel Rahman Al-Nayer, confirmed that “an all-inclusive dialogue is vital for the initiatives taken by the AU and IGAD. Tragedy of the past can be redressed when the field of dialogue has been leveled”. Cognizant of it, listing participants to satisfy concerns and conditions put by all parties.

Scrutinizing its all-encompassing nature, leader of the Sudan Liberation Movement-Transitional Council (SLM-TC), Al-Hadi Idris also welcomed the invitation where their refusal has been redressed. He further expressed hope for the success of regional and international efforts to end the civil war. The AU and IGAD also encouraged negotiators to use the opportunity of three days dialogue (10-12 August) to end prolonged conflict.
