Lemi Cement Factory to Play Irreplaceable Role in Ethiopia’s Construction Industry

9 Mons Ago 1162
Lemi Cement Factory to Play Irreplaceable Role in Ethiopia’s Construction Industry

Located in Amhara region, Lemi Cement Factory is said to play irreplaceable role in Ethiopia’s construction industry.  

The factory which is at its final phase of construction with an outlay of 2.2 billion birr will produce 10 thousand tons per day.

High-level government officials paid a visit to the factory Monday.

Deputy Prime Minister, Temesgen Tiruneh said after the visit that Lemi’s production capacity will double the current cement production capacity of the country, thereby enhancing construction performance of the country in a game changer scenario.

He highlighted the civil and electro mechanical works have progressed well to realize the set projections.

Currently, 5 thousand Ethiopians are taking part in the project undertakings. When completed it will create job opportunities for nearly 2 thousand citizens.
