A Looted Ethiopian Shield To Return Home In November

9 Days Ago 286
A Looted  Ethiopian Shield To Return Home In November
Pic Credit: Royal Ethiopian Trust

A stolen ancient Ethiopian shield is finally returning back to its homeland after being purchased by an Ethiopian prince. His Imperial Highness Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie Haile-Selassie – grandson of Emperor Haile-Selassie I – has successfully negotiated the repatriation of a 19th century ornamented shield stolen by British Troops following the Battle of Magdala.

The shield then disappeared into a private collection and was put up for sale by a UK auction house in February this year. Prince Ermias established the Royal Ethiopian Trust (RET) – a non-profit organisation – to preserve and promote the cultural, educational, and economic well-being of all Ethiopian people. Prince Ermias said this shield is not just a historical artifact; it is a symbol of Ethiopia’s history and resilience.

He added “Our efforts and success in regaining this treasure is a testament to our commitment to preserve our heritage and honor our ancestors who fought for our nation’s sovereignty.”

The shield, one of numerous artefacts seized by British troops following the battle of Magdala in 1868, holds immense cultural value, and was acquired through negotiations with the UK-based Anderson & Garland auction house. The shield had been slated for public auction in February, but was withdrawn following pressure from the Ethiopian government.

Under Prince Ermias’ direction, the RET took proactive steps to negotiate the shield’s return to Ethiopia, in keeping with the organisation’s mission to protect and celebrate the nation’s cultural treasures. To secure the return of the shield, the RET collaborated with Alula Pankhurst, a renowned British scholar with an expertise in Ethiopian history. Pankhurst is the grandson of Sylvia Pankhurst, an English activist who became devoted to Ethiopia following its invasion by Italy in 1936. 

Pankurst told The Voice: “An exceptionally beautiful shield with the date of the Battle and Magdala inscribed on it proving its looted provenance beyond any doubt. A noteworthy case of a noble restitution gesture by the Royal Ethiopian Trust.”

“It has been an honor to work with Prince Ermias and the Royal Ethiopian Trust to return this significant piece of history to its people,” Pankhurst added.

“Our families have long been dedicated to safeguarding Ethiopia’s heritage, and ensuring that this shield returns to the Ethiopian people is a proud continuation of that legacy.” Before it returns to Ethiopia, the shield will travel to Toledo, Ohio, where it will be on display at the Toledo Museum of Art, October 4th– 27th, concurrently with the “Ethiopia at a Crossroads” exhibit.   

The Magdala Shield will make its final journey home in November and will be housed in the National Museum of Ethiopia, where it will be on display for the Ethiopian people and visitors from around the world.


