By: Staff Editor
*Politics is a science* Science, in turn, is grounded in evidence and information, guided by principles and the supremacy of reason. It is a discipline that prioritizes the interests and aspirations of the people, serving their needs. Any political ideology or action divorced from this foundation becomes a source of problems and loss, offering no meaningful benefit. To believe otherwise reflects ignorance or, worse, a gambler’s approach to politics.
Our world has historically embraced diverse political ideologies, learning from the past to cultivate better frameworks for the present. Through intergenerational knowledge transfer, today’s world builds on yesterday’s lessons, striving to create a brighter future. Nations’ progress and global hopes for advancement stem from this objective reality. Understanding this reality is critical to a nation’s destiny—especially for individuals or groups claiming to represent a country, community, or political faction. Their legitimacy depends on aligning with this truth.
Political ideologies rooted in racism, exclusion, hatred, —and the actions they inspire—yield nothing but destruction. History is replete with examples of such ideologies, from fascism to Nazism, which exacted immense costs on humanity. These systems were fueled by hatred and self-centeredness, leaving scars Ethiopia, and the world still bears.
Today, global politics leans toward balanced, moderate ideologies. This equilibrium has evolved beyond mere practice into a cultural norm, contributing irreplaceably to global peace and stability. Scholars emphasize that such moderation is essential for politics to adapt to and transcend the challenges of our time.
As a nation with a rich history of civilization and governance, Ethiopia’s political thinking must align with this universal truth. Political actors—whether representing villages, regions, or the nation—must adopt ideologies that reflect progress, not regression. Our politics should embrace rationality, inclusivity, and cultural values that reject extremism and prioritize collective well-being.
Ethiopia’s religious, cultural, and social values celebrate balance, trust, selflessness, and coexistence. These principles teach resilience through hardship and faith in a hopeful future. Any political ideology that disregards these values risks alienating the people, fostering discord, and dimming prospects for progress. Our political platforms must be spaces for dialogue and resolution, not conflict.
In Ethiopia’s current context, those claiming to represent their respective groups must prioritize forward-thinking, inclusive politics—not ideologies mired in hatred, or self-interest. We Ethiopians ,of diverse groups demand political thought that learns from the past to build a better tomorrow, not one shackled to outdated, divisive mindsets.
Our society’s values and identity, rooted in balance and trust, reject exclusion. We endured exclusion for years. It is hiigh time to embrace diversity. History teach us to uphold coexistence and generosity, even in adversity. To ignore this is to undermine the very fabric of our nation.