Ethiopian Diaspora Held in High Regard for Invaluable Contributions.

3 Days Ago 76
Ethiopian Diaspora Held in High Regard for Invaluable Contributions.

By Goshu Melisew

As celebrations for the 26th International Harari Day continue, stakes say the Ethiopian Diaspora has been instrumental in resisting excessive pressure during difficult times.

A symposium under the theme 'The Role of Diaspora for Our Country's Peace and Prosperity,” in Harar town, has brought together distinguished members of the Diaspora community, scholars, Federal government officials and local leaders.

The platform aims to explore how the Diaspora can contribute to the nation’s peace building and economic growth efforts.

Addressing participants of the grand event, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Bertukan Ayano, highlighted the pivotal role played by the Ethiopian Diaspora in countering undue external pressure during tumultuous times.

"Over the past six years alone, the Diaspora community has pitched in and we’re talking about over 3.5 billion Birr, both in cash and kind. This support has had a significant impact on the speedy construction of national mega projects currently underway in Ethiopia. Members of the Ethiopian Diaspora have played an irreplaceable role in countering undue pressure during challenging times for Ethiopia," Birtukan noted.


Other panelists have used the occasion to give detailed accounts of vital contributions made by the Diaspora, from remittances that support local economies to the transfer of knowledge and skills that drive innovation and development. The panelists have also delved into how the Diaspora could help in fostering national dialogue, promoting social cohesion, and supporting initiatives aimed at resolving conflicts.

Fresenbet Woldetensay, a panelist, took time to sketch out the importance of leveraging the Diaspora’s diverse experiences and networks to bridge gaps and build a more prosperous future. He noted that the Diaspora engagement is not just a financial contribution but a bridge to global opportunities and a source of invaluable expertise.

Participants have hammered out practical steps to enhance Diaspora engagement, including creating more inclusive policies and building robust platforms for dialogue and collaboration.//
