The Elections Held in South Africa and India were Fair, Transparent and Peaceful: PM Abiy Ahmed.

23 Days Ago 115
The Elections Held in South Africa and India were Fair, Transparent and Peaceful: PM Abiy Ahmed.

By Hikma Temam


Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed congratulated the President of South Africa on a successful election held in the last few days, adding that the country has respected the principles of Democracy. The rainbow Nation showed the World vividly that resilient society always exercise the rule of as their Supremacy is enshrined in the constitution.

Eligible voters have spoken equivocally whereby an enduring legacy of democratization needs such society. Africa, most of the time, known by election related violence yet South African’s took form stand in maintaining results of the ballot box.

In a message on his social media post, the Prime Minister praised Ramaphosa for his leadership as the election was fair, transparent and peaceful. The Election reflected on South Africa President's commitment to the will of the people and the democratic values that bind everyone together, according to the Prime Minister.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister extends a congratulatory message to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi over a successful election held few days ago too.  The Indian Prime Minister has won the Majority vote claiming victory in the recently concluded election. Stable democracy needs rationality, strong institution which honored reputable credibility in conducting free and fair elections.

In that regard, Prime Minister Abiy indicated that elections are a testament to the will of the people, demonstrating that the people are the true owners of power.
