Completion of GERD Construction Expected Within a Year, Says Engineer Kifle Horo.

4 Mons Ago 571
Completion of GERD Construction Expected Within a Year, Says Engineer Kifle Horo.

By Kassahun Chanie.

The revelation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) left Ethiopians in awe, shattering the long-held belief that Ethiopia would perpetually be barred from harnessing the Abbay River's potential for hydropower. It was a moment that defied historical norms and ignited a spirit of unity and determination across the nation.

As Ethiopia eagerly anticipates the 13th anniversary of GERD's construction, a project initiated under the visionary leadership of the late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, the significance of this endeavor resonates deeply with people from all walks of life, both within Ethiopia and beyond its borders.

For generations, Ethiopia had been denied its rightful access to develop the Abbay River and seek financial support from international institutions. However, in 2011, the Ethiopian government decided to confront this longstanding injustice head-on. In a remarkable display of solidarity, Ethiopians rallied behind the government's call to action, transcending differences of ethnicity, religion, and ideology, to embark on the monumental task of building the dam and securing energy independence.

Despite initial projections of a five-year timeline, the journey to complete GERD has stretched over thirteen years, marked by numerous challenges both at home and abroad. Yet, with unwavering resilience and collective effort, Ethiopia has persevered, overcoming obstacles to realize the dam's immense potential not only for energy generation but also to foster opportunities in fishing, ecotourism, and regional development.

In a recent interview with EBC World, Project Manager Engineer Kifle Horo highlighted the resilience of GERD, emphasizing the project's ability to overcome technical hurdles and operational setbacks. Despite challenges in electro-mechanical and metallic works, as well as deficiencies in expertise among contractors, Kifle Horo expressed confidence in GERD's current state and projected a swift conclusion to construction efforts by next year.

Beyond its immediate benefits, GERD stands as a beacon of hope for regional cooperation and integration in Africa. Aligned with Agenda 2063 and other pan-African initiatives, the dam symbolizes the continent's potential to harness its resources for collective progress and prosperity.

The contribution of Ethiopians from all walks of life to the development of GERD cannot be overstated. From schoolchildren to laborers, from farmers to investors, Ethiopians have united in their dedication to realizing this transformative project, embodying the spirit of national pride and determination.
